Italics problem in Acts 26:3 of AVs

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Italics problem in Acts 26:3 of AVs

Post by RobertRathbone »

Acts 26:3 is missing the closing italics tag ("</i>") immediately after the phrase (and its associated Strongs numbers) "because I know" in the PCE version of the AVs. You don't see the problem when the STrong's setting for the Bible window is set to "Strong's Data Transparently Linked" but you can see the issue when the setting is changed to "Show Strong's Numbers." Since the italics tag is not closed, the remainder of the chapter is rendered in italics. See the attached screenshot.

I've seen other similar issues in this version of the scripture but I failed to report it when I came across then and so I don't have any examples right now. I seem to remember seeing a verse in Jeremiah that was truncated but I don't remember the reference. I've also seen commentaries with the italics problem or similar problems with bold tags not being closed.

Italics problem
Italics problem
Screenshot_20230117_114259.png (112.82 KiB) Viewed 64740 times

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