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Html anchor error

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 10:48 pm
by divergentdroid
Hello ! A friend made a module for the New Testament and gave me a copy to test out. (Paula Fether's The Gift New Testament). She tells me it works fine on her computer. My problem is I get an error message when manually highlighting a section of text, right clicking and choosing for instance, " Play Mat 1:1 Audio ". The audio does play via text to speech but this error pops up:
HTML Error
HTML Error
Html error.PNG (135.99 KiB) Viewed 17135 times
As you can see the error is " HTML anchor Error Mat 1:1 does not exist "

I don't have any problems when just hitting the play audio button at the top. Paula is an HTML programmer and understands the error message but she hasn't a clue why I'm seeing it and she's not.

I thought I'd check with you guys about what's going on here before she widely redistributes the .bib file in case it's likely others will encounter this error also. Any ideas? Thank you!

Re: Html anchor error

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 9:15 pm
by Tim
The anchor is used to scroll the current verse to where it is visible. For some reason it is not found.

Are you both using the latest version of Bible Analyzer,

Re: Html anchor error

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 3:18 pm
by divergentdroid
Yes, we are both using the same version,