Notes vs. S-Pad

Issues and Comments on the Current Beta Versions
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Notes vs. S-Pad

Post by colojohn »

I'm running BA 5.5 on Ubuntu 22.04. I absolutely love the program and have bought several modules to go with it.

I am having trouble getting Notes to accept format changes (like different font, larger size, etc.). When I attempt it, Notes changes a normal text paragraph into bullets. Very weird. I seem to have better luck with formatting using S-Pad. What are the differences between the two as a practical matter? Can I link S-Pad entries to a particular verse, for example?

Question: I know you've had difficulties with Linux playing well with the text editing tools you provide. Since Linux is open source, could you somehow make a coding call to a program like Cherrytree, Simplenote, or similar to open within the "Notes" window of BA?

Thanks for all you do and for sticking with us users who like to avoid the Microsoft and Apple ecosystems!

John Miller

EDITED TO ADD: Well, I wrote too soon. Now S-Pad turns a paragraph into bullets if I change the font.

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Re: Notes vs. S-Pad

Post by Tim »

The editors both are based on the OS's underlying HTML page rendering system. More or less a basic browser. In Linux this has some quirks. I had to do several workarounds to even get the editors to work, but as you have seen it is still not flawless.

On thing you can do is use the feature to show the HTML tags after it acts strange to see what it did. Maybe there is a single wrong or mismatched tag that is messing up the font tags. You can edit the tags and then toggle back to display view.
Tim Morton
Developer, Bible Analyzer

But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. (Rom 4:5 AV)

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