5.2 Beta Testing (Windows)

Issues and Comments on the Current Beta Versions
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5.2 Beta Testing (Windows)

Post by Tim »

We have Bible Analyzer v5.2 ready to beta test. It has some nice new features.
  • New Quick View Panel which is an alternative place to view popup data. It is toggled with the Q button in the main toolbar. The panel can be moved about anywhere or floated as a separate window. This is a handy window since the last data stays displayed until replaced.
  • Can move tabs around in Bible, Dict, and Cmt panels. Just click and drag the tab. BA will try to remember the order even when changes are made in the Session Manager.
  • Bible, Dict, and Cmt tabs can be renamed on right-click, but it is really just an alias. Internally BA uses the original name to preserve links and such.
  • A new dropdown menu with the Strong's Button. It allows selection of alternate words in place of the numbers and also non-visible linked words with the last item. This requires the strongWds.dat file which is included.
  • Word marking by highlight is possible in the Bible panel with the Alt key down. For non Strong Bibles the marking is word based and green. For Strong Bibles marking is Strong based and blue. This works in Dual View and Parallel View as well. See this video for a demo, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVKK3xH9Xiw
  • New item on right-click to "Export current verse from all Bibles to MultiWindow". This also allows mutual word marking as in the Bible Panel with Alt down.
  • New Wordform chart in search results when more than one word is searched for or if wildcards are used. It shows how many hits of each word form, but only of the results on that page. If more than 300 hits, each page of results has its own chart.
  • The "D" Button in Dct and Cmt toolbars will now set the current title as default. This is the same as setting in Preferences. This makes it convenient to use various dictionaries quickly.
  • The Dct and Cmt tabs that contain the current topic now have a yellow highlight rather than the book icons. This saves tab space.
    New option in Preferences to put all search results under the same tab instead of making a new tab for each.
  • New option in Prefs/Font Properties to change the search hit color.
  • Plus several bugs fixed, some minor appearance changes, and other things done to make certain actions faster.
Here is the link,
http://www.bibleanalyzer.com/files/Bibl ... 0-beta.exe

It is best to install this as Portable so it won't mess up a previous installation.

The download is larger because it includes some extra modules for testing,
  • The Pure Cambridge Edition of the AV with Strong's and footnotes. I may replace the current AVs with this.
  • A reformatted TRi Bible with morphology codes.
  • An ASV with Strong's. This Bible may have Strong's number errors. I found it online.
  • A reformatted StrongEx dict, plus a new StrongsEn dict that has links to other Strong's based titles as well as more relevant details than the StrongEx.
  • The Word Study Dictionary WSD is new and has every Greek word plus all the morphology codes as topics. With it set as default one can find data on a Greek word in the TRi by simply hovering over the word with Ctrl down in the Bible Panel. With the TRi with Interlinear view on, one can hover over the morph codes with Ctrl down and get the code data in the WSD. We hope to add Hebrew data soon.
Try it out and let me know what issues you find.
Tim Morton
Developer, Bible Analyzer

But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. (Rom 4:5 AV)

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Re: 5.2 Beta Testing (Windows)

Post by JPG »

Hi Tim,
I am just using the test package as is.
when I went to the parallel view, the TRi is not showing. I am at Romans 1:4 so it should show something.
If I drag the TRi tab in the Bible view all the way to the left, and then go back to the parallel view, it is somewhat messed up.

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Re: 5.2 Beta Testing (Windows)

Post by Tim »

Yes, I see...the TRi is all malformed at the bottom. Will fix.

Tim Morton
Developer, Bible Analyzer

But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. (Rom 4:5 AV)

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Re: 5.2 Beta Testing (Windows)

Post by WRM »

Tim wrote:
  • The Pure Cambridge Edition of the AV with Strong's and footnotes. I may replace the current AVs with this.
Will it not be possible to keep the 1769 Oxford edition around as well, which to my knowledge is generally the one in use as 'the' KJV worldwide, and then also add the Pure Cambridge edition?

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Re: 5.2 Beta Testing (Windows)

Post by Tim »

The standard AV Bible (without Strong's) that ships wit BA will remain the same, the normal 1769 edition. If I make the PCE the AVs it will not affect the AV we have always used in any way.

The PCE has red lettering and footnotes which our current AVs doesn't have. Also, there is no textual difference between them. Only a spelling or case difference or two. They are both the Authorized King James Bible.
Tim Morton
Developer, Bible Analyzer

But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. (Rom 4:5 AV)

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Re: 5.2 Beta Testing (Windows)

Post by rokas »

Dear Tim,

this is an incredible update! Among other things, a few things stand out for me:

Word highlighting works instantaneously and is simply awesome.

Quick View window is wonderful as well.

Finally, having the option to re-use search tab is very useful too!

What is wrong:
  • StrongEx and StrongEn pop-up information (when hovering over the tab) is mixed-up - should be renamed.
  • Bible Analyzer splash window should be updated to 5.2
A wish:
Accented Greek text for TRi.

Thank you again! I can't believe all this is for free! God bless you and repay you!

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Re: 5.2 Beta Testing (Windows)

Post by Tim »

Thanks for the kind words.

The problem with accents is they are rarely the same between various Greek texts. This makes it very problematic to use the words consistently with word based dictionaries such as the WSD in the beta. However, the words with accents can easily be see on Strong's tagged Bibles on mouseover with a Strong's dictionary set as the popup default.

Furthermore, the words in the existing Greek manuscripts do not have accents.
Tim Morton
Developer, Bible Analyzer

But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. (Rom 4:5 AV)

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Re: 5.2 Beta Testing (Windows)

Post by rubeng »


Unlike what appears in the video, the new StrongsEn dictionary in the beta does not include the active search linked AV Occurrences section at the bottom of the entry. Am I missing something?

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Re: 5.2 Beta Testing (Windows)

Post by rubeng »

First of all, let me say that this beta includes some terrific stuff.

Now that it is possible to hide the Strong's numbers altogether, it would be really nice if the context menu accessed by right-clicking on a word would allow for 3 different kinds of searches: the translated word as it appears in the text, the Strong's number, and the word with that particular Strong's number. Let me explain what I mean with an example.

Say you have your AV opened at and you right click on the word "ungodly." Right now I only get the option Search for "G765" in Bible. I would like to see two more options: Search for "ungodly" in Bible, and Search for "ungodlyG765" in Bible. Would anyone else find this extremely useful? Could it be implemented for Bibles tagged with Strong's numbers?

I know that it is possible to search for "ungodly" if I display the Strong's numbers and click on the English word, and that selecting both the word "ungodly" and the number (i.e., G765) allows me to search for "undoglyG765", but what I am wondering is if these three options could appear in the context menu by just right-clicking on the English version when Strong's numbers are active but not visible.

Thank you!

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Re: 5.2 Beta Testing (Windows)

Post by Tim »

I'll check the StrongEn. I may have included the one without the links.

Concerning the right-click search features with Strong's Numbers (SN), one issue could be the way SN are tagged with translations. In most cases with Greek and Hebrew texts there is a SN for each word. However, with translations such as the AVs or AV-PCE, a SN often represents more than one word. For example, check the reference list in the StrongEx and notice the various phrases. These phrases are the words between SN and are in the hidden links used in the Bible panel.

So the issue is on right click of a hidden link the whole phrase will be the string returned, which may limit the search results more than desired. One may parse the string and use only the word closest to the SN, which is usually the key word, but this will not be flawless either.
Tim Morton
Developer, Bible Analyzer

But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. (Rom 4:5 AV)

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