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Bible Analyzer has five preset layouts which can be selected from the Layout Button in the Toolbar (L) or from the View/Layouts Menu. These layouts offer various configurations of the main panels.

The dividing sashes can be moved with any layout and all positions are saved on closing.


Floating and Docking the Windows

Bible Analyzer 4 introduces a new interface with an advanced window manager. The manager allows the floating and docking of windows in many different combinations and positions.  Double-clicking or dragging the titlebar of the Dictionary, Commentary, or Results window will float the window allowing it to be repositioned and resized.

Floating windows can be docked by dragging the titlebar to the desired position shown by the docking indicators. Placing the cursor over a section of the docking indicator will display a faded hint window in the location where the window would be docked if the mouse button is released.

The main Toolbars can also be repositioned by dragging and also hidden or shown from the View Menu.

The image above shows the Dictionary Window still floating but the caption area being dragged to one of the docking indicators. The shaded blue area shows where the window would be docked if the mouse was released.

All window and toolbar positions are saved on exit and restored on next start. User layouts can also be saved.


MultiButton Control

There is a compact button control on the main toolbar that contains six buttons. These allow quick and convenient manouvering between windows.

·    The Q(Quick View) button toggles the display of the Quick View panel which is an alternate display area for data that displays in a popup window.
·    The B(ible), D(ictionary), C(ommentary), R(esults) buttons will expand/contract the corresponding window. It will also cause the window to display if it has been closed and dock it if floating. A second click will expand the window.
·    The L(ayout) button opens the Layout menu allowing saving, deleting, and restoring saved layouts. 

Tab Moving and Renaming

The tabs in the Bible, Dictionary, and Commentary Panels can be repositioned. To move a tab, simply left click on the tab label and drag it to a new position and release the mouse.

Bible Analyzer will attempt to preserve the tab order, however, loading different sessions from the Session Manager can affect the position of the tabs.

Renaming Tabs
Bible, Dictionary, and Commentary tabs can be renamed (essentially given an alias). Right-click on a tab and select Rename Tab from the menu.

This will only change the displayed label of the tab. Internally, Bible Analyzer uses the original tab name to preserve links.