A FREE Bible Study Solution
With Exciting Premium Features

Want to Dig into the Bible with 21st Century Tools?
Then Bible Analyzer was made for you!
Download the full program now with "no strings attached"
or explore some of its many features below!


Windows 7-11 - MacOS 10.8-14.1 - Linux/Ubuntu 22.04

Bible Analyzer v5.6 Released!

New Cross-Reference Explorer & Parallel Presenter - Video!

Easy, Easy, Easy...!

Yes, Bible Analyzer is Easy to use. Just type a couple characters or click with your mouse to get where you want. Plus it has,

  • Easy Bible Searching
  • Easy Passage Finding
  • Easy Parallel Bible Viewing
  • Easy Bible Highlighting
  • Easy Adding of Notes
  • Easy Advanced Features
  • Easy Bible Audio
(Click any image to view full size!)

Search Like a Berean!

Often one needs a quick way to find a specific word or phrase in the Bible. Bible Analyzer makes this easy with the Quick Entry which is in the main Toolbar. Quickly search for words and phrases with results displayed in a table display under its own tab. View either the whole verse or in single line "concordance" view. Also, there is a concise, one page graphical display of all search "hits" in every Bible chapter with a convenient popup of the verses on mouseover, and a click will take you there in the Bible Panel (see image)!

Need more power? Advanced Search is your answer. With it you can do Proximity Searches, Related Verse Search, Context Search, Library Search and even Regular Expression Searches with wildcard and other options. Plus, search results can be exported via the Advanced Concept Filter.

Quick Bible Navigation

Getting around in the Bible with Bible Analyzer is a "piece of cake." You can use the Quick Entry and begin typing a reference to select from a list. You can select a chapter from the Bible Tree by either drilling down or by right-click. Plus with more quick keys and shortcuts navigating from chapter to chapter is a charm.

To make a verse the Active or Current Verse simply click on its reference and it will be highlighted and also cause the Reference Panel and Commentaries to instantly update to that verse. Plus, The Bible Panel has an extensive right-click Context Menu that will allow you to do many things with the Bible text.

Why Free...?

We offer the full Bible Analyzer program completely free without limited trial, feature limitations, nag screens, usage tracking, or other demands on the user. When you install Bible Analyzer you get the fully functional program and access to over 100 valuable titles, completely gratis. Some may reason that since it is given away it must be of little value, but that is not the case at all. Many 100s of hours have been invested in developing Bible Analyzer and its related material, so even though it is free to you, it is by no means without cost.

We offer Bible Analyzer freely because we want everyone to have access to a full-fledged Bible software program regardless of their finances. Bible Analyzer is more a ministry to us than a business. We want to make the Bible available to as many as possible. We do have expenses and need income to operate, and that is where the Premium titles come in. If users want additional material, or just want to support our ministry, they can purchase some of our low cost Premium titles to enhance their installation. But if they don't, they will still have a comprehensive Bible Study Solution without buying a thing.   

Large Module Library

With Bible Analyzer's built-in Download Manager you have access to 100s of valuable titles. Over 100 titles are completely free while around 120 more Premium titles are available for a very low cost.

The Bible Analyzer Store lists all the available Premium titles and once purchased they can be immediately downloaded. Included are titles such as the International Standard Bible Encylopedia, Biblical Illustrator, Pulpit Commentary, Companion Bible, plus study Bibles from Henry Morris, Finnis Dake, and the Common Man's Reference Bible. Plus, we have unique resources such as the Exhaustive Library of Bible People and Exhaustive Library of Bible Locations. Visit the Store to see how you can enhance your library. 

Unique Features & Titles

Bible Analyzer has important features that are not found in any other software. For instance, our Authorized Version, People Edition and Exhaustive Library of Bible People titles have every individual in the Bible tagged with a unique ID to make searching for individuals apart from their name possible. For example, there are six different Marys in the Scriptures. With the titles above one is able to search for any one of the Marys at the exclusion of all others! Also all pronouns in the NT are tagged to its individual, plus every pronoun of deity throughout the Bible is also tagged. This makes some very inventive and revealing searches possible.

If one does a search for Jesus and eternal life in a typical Bible software program, many key instances would be missed, including John 3:16 (!!), because there are many verses where the Lord is not mentioned by name. But with Bible Analyzer, the AVp, and ExLBP, they all can be easily found.

This is just one example of the power and versatility of Bible Analyzer.

The King James Bible

Although many other Bible versions are available in Bible Analyzer, it is built around the Authorized King James Bible of 1611. That the KJV (called AV in Bible Analyzer) is still being published over 400 years later is a wonder in itself. Even after all these years it is still the Bible of choice for millions and clearly has the blessing of God upon its words.

Bible Analyzer 1611 Edition

The 1611 Edition

Several years ago in celebration of the King James Bible's 400th anniversary we developed the most complete digital edition of the 1611 edition in existence. It has all the original headings, notes, cross-references, alternate readings and spelling. A dedicated brother typed it all by hand and proof read it TWICE...and it is a FREE BA download. 

User Reviews

Here’s an application that can do many interesting things, and that does them really well...In sum, Bible Analyzer is a well designed and powerful Bible application...I certainly recommend it.... Give it a try!
Rubén Gómez
Bible Software Review
[I am] absolutely amazed at the search and analysis side of the programme - it is absolutely brilliant. The complexity of the searches...and the speed with which the results are displayed is really awesome. It only took a couple of minutes to realise that I needed this programme.
Tony Dowden
United Kingdom
Not until discovering Bible Analyzer did I believe any other Bible program came close to e-sword with ease of operation, cleanness of presentation, functionality, and being such a beneficial tool...You have some truly unique and fantastic features for serious Bible students.
Sean Haller
Former Pastor and Teacher

© 2024 BibleAnalyzer.com
Established - April, 2005