Audio Settings
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This Tab allows the user to select the default Audio Settings for Reading Bible Verses.


These settings setup the audio for the Reading Bible Verses feature.

Select which type of Bible reading desired with the Text-To-Speech or Use Audio Files button.

Link Audio Files

Use the Link Audio Files Button to select the folder containing the audio files, and check the

If the files are on CDs or a DVD, it is best if the files/folders are copied to the computer hard drive under a common folder.

The audio files do not need to all be in one folder, only under one folder. Both folders and files under a parent folder will be scanned for Bible audio files.

If more than one MP3 audio set is available, link each parent folder separately and then select the desired set in the "Linked Audio Groups" list. Do not try to link multiple sets at once.

If the Shift key is held down while the Link Audio Files Button is clicked an option to delete all audio paths data is presented. Use this option if audio files have been moved, renamed, corrupted, or updated and need to be relinked.

The Continue Reading Next Chapter check box causes the reader to advance to the next Bible chapter and continue reading.

The Show Verse Highlight check box will enable/disable verse highlighting while reading. The page will continue to scroll.