This Tab allows the user to change Bible Analyzer Preferences.
Default Dictionary
Default Commentary
Default Strong's
Default Popup Bible
Default Strong's Popup Resource
Select from these lists the default Dictionary, Commentary, Strong's, and Bible Popup
Bible. These are the texts that will display in the MultiWindow (if checked, see below)
when the user clicks on a word (Dictionary) or reference (Commentary) or Strong's
Number in the Bible Panel.
The popup Bible will be the Bible text that displays when the cursor is over a reference.
The Strong's Popup Resource is the Strong's enhanced dictionary that will display in a
popup preview when the cursor is over a Strong's Number
For Bible texts that do not have paragraph markers (pilcrows), select the paragraph
scheme to use to display the Bible in Paragraph View.
Enter or Browse for a path to another location for module files, such as another drive or
folder. Bible Analyzer will search the selected folder and all sub-folders for module files
on start.