Windows Installation and Adding Resource Modules
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To install Bible Analyzer (in Windows) open BibleAnalyzer5(?)-setup.exe. The installation routine will by default install Bible Analyzer in your Program Files folder. It will also place an optional shortcut on the Desktop and in the Start Menu. The user must be logged in as administrator to install.

Portable Installation

By default the installation routine will setup Bible Analyzer to run in "Installation Mode." That is, folders will be created in specific system locations to contain the application, modules, configuration files, and user files.

If the user prefers a Portable Installation of Bible Analyzer, where the application can be copied to and run from a portable drive, an option is given during setup to install all file types under the application folder.

Although it should be transparent to the user, Bible Analyzer looks for a portable.ini file in the application folder to determine if an installation is portable or not. If this file is not found Bible Analyzer will start in system setup mode. 

Module Location

The various modules (a limited set is included in the download version) are installed under the Bible Analyzer/Modules folder in either the All Users folder (Windows XP) or the ProgramData folder (Windows Vista, 7).

7-11 - C:\ProgramData\Bible Analyzer\Modules\

The various modules are in six sub-folders. Each sub-folder contains the appropriate Module type.

·    The Audio Folder contains the audio files (.mid, .mp3, .wma, .wav)
·    The Bible Folder contains all Bible Modules (.bib extension)
·    The Commentary Folder contains all Commentary Modules (.cmt extension)
·    The Devotion Folder contains all Devotions Modules (.dev extension)
·    The Dictionary Folder contains all Dictionary Modules  .dct extension)
·    The Image Folder contains all Image Modules (.img extension)
·    The Text Folder contains all Text Modules (.bk extension)

Although modules can be placed anywhere under the Modules folder, it is best if they are placed in the appropriate folder. On the next run Bible Analyzer will find and open them.

For instructions on making custom Image and HTML Text Modules, see the appropriate sections.

Configuration Files Location

The users Configuration, Layout, Notes, and Prayer List files (config.ini, *.dat, notes.usr, *.lst) are placed in the users Application Data folder.

In Windows 7 and up the path would be,
C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Bible Analyzer

Users Files Location

The Users Documents folder is the location of any custom made modules.

In Windows 7 and up the path would be,
C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Documents\Bible Analyzer