Bible Tree View
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Selecting Bible Texts

Viewing Bible texts is very quick and easy with Bible Analyzer.
Moving around in a text can be done with the Bible Tree located on the left side of the application
Using Bible Tree to Navigate
To view a chapter left-click the book name in the tree or click the + beside the Bible book name and select the chapter number to display the chapter in the selected Bible text. In the example to the right Rom chapter 1 is displayed.

Right-Click Flyout
Another way to quickly get to a chapter is to right-click on a book name in the tree and select the chapter from the flyout chapter list (second image on right, John 5).

Using Keyboard to Navigate
Using the keyboard you can quickly select a book, chapter, or verse to view by using the Go To Verse Entry Box. Type the book, chapter, or verse in the entry box and hit Enter, and the Bible Display will update to the entered reference.

The Quick Find Entry Box will accept full book names as well as nearly all conventional abbreviations. For instance, Genesis 1, Gen 1, Ge1, ge1 and gen, will all display Genesis chapter 1. Capitalization is not important. If only a book it entered chapter 1 of that book will be shown.

The Quick Find Entry  Box also doubles as a Verse History Box. It will remember all Bible references selected and displayed during a session. Use the drop-down arrow to select a previous reference.

Bible Analyzer will remember your last displayed chapter when you close the Application.
Bible Tree

graphic   graphic

 Ctrl+T will collapse the branches
(nodes) of the Bible Tree.

Alt+T will hide the Bible Tree.

Display on Tree Click

A left click on a book name (Gen, Exo, etc.) will cause the first chapter of the book to be displayed in the Bible Panel. It will also display the book comments (if any) in the current commentary in the Commentary Panel (if Sync Button is ON. See Commentary Panel).

A left-click on chapter (Gen 1:, Exo 2:) will display the chapter in the Bible Panel  It will also display the Chapter comments (if any) in the current commentary in the Commentary Panel. (if Sync Button is ON. See Commentary Panel).