Main Menu
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The Menu has six main menus,

·     File
·     View
·     Control
·     Bookmarks
·     Tools
·     Help


File Menu

·    Select All  on Current Page                   Ctrl+A
This selects all the text in the panel that has the current focus. To give a panel focus, simply click the mouse somewhere in it.

·    Copy Selected on Current Page           Ctrl+C
This will copy to the Clipboard any text that has been selected and has the focus. Selection can be made by dragging the cursor over the desired text and highlighting it. It is preferred that the Copy button be used in the respective toolbar.

·    Export/Copy Verses                   Ctrl+E
Opens a dialog that will export a verse range to File, S-pad, or Clipboard.

Contiguious and non-contiguious verses and/or verse ranges can be entered separated by a comma. For Example, Joh 3:16-18, 36, 5:5, Act 2:38, Heb 4:1-6, Phm, Rev 4, will export all verses chapters and books.


·    Print Current Page                                  Ctrl+P
Print the page with the current focus.

·    Print Preview Current Page       Alt+Ctrl+P
Previews the page with the current focus.

·    Exit                                               Alt-X
Closes Bible Analyzer.

View Menu

·    Toolbars
Allows hiding/showing of the five toolbars.

·    Select/Create Layouts
Used to select or create a new window layout. This is the same menu as the L button on the MultiButton Control

·    Expand/Contract Bible                           Alt+B
·    Expand/Contract Dictionary                  Alt+D
·    Expand/Contract Results                      Alt+S
·    Expand/Contract Commentary             Alt+C
These will expand and contract (Toggle) their respective Panel, the same as the Toolbar Buttons.

·    Hide/Show Tree Panel                            Alt+T
This will hide and show the Bible Tree.

·    Collapse Bible Tree                                Alt+L
If several chapter selections have been made in the
Bible Tree many of the Bible Book Nodes can be expanded making navigation more tedious. This function will collapse the Tree back to it initial state with only the current book expanded.

·    Next Verse                                                           F6
·    Previous Verse                                        F5
·    Next Chapter                                           F8
·    Previous Chapter                                                F7
These will function as described, selecting a new reference in the Bible Window.

·    Next Verse With User Markup               Ctrl+F6
·    Previous Verse With User Markup                   Ctrl+F5
·    Next Verse With Static Markup             Alt+F6
·    Previous Verse With Static Markup     Alt+F5
These functions will scroll through the verses with markup

·    Next Book Chapter                                 Alt+F6
·    Previous Book Chapter                         Alt+F5
These will advance/retreat through the chapters in the Book/Article Viewer.

·    Toggle Bible Reference Panel              Ctrl+R
Will Hide/Show the Bible Reference Panel.

·    Increase Window Font Size                   Ctrl++
·    Decrease Window Font Size                 Ctrl+-

Control Menu

·    Master Control Panel                             F2
·    Book/Article Titles                                              F3
·    Image Viewer                                          F4
·    MultiWindow                                           F10
·    Preferences                                             F11
·    Devotions Viewer                                               F9
·    Audio/Quiz Panel                                                F12
·    Session Manager                                                Ctrl+M
·    Harmony/Parallel Generator                 Alt+G
These open their respective viewers or dialogs the same as the Toolbar Buttons.

·    Quick Find (focus)                                              Alt+Q
·    Show User Notes                                                Alt+E
These set the focus to the appropriate box for quick entry.

·    Highlight Selected Bible Text               Ctrl+H
Will highlight the text the same as the toolbar button.

·    Export Selection Verse range To ScripturePad          Insert
When a selection is made in the Bible Panel, starting and ending in any part of a verse, pressing the Insert key will export the entire verse range to ScripturePad.

·    Paste References From Clipboard                   Shift+F1
Will scan the current clipboard data for verse references and display any found as live links in the MultiWindow.

·    Paste References From Clipboard With Verse Text   Shift+F2
Same as Paste References above but also includes the verse text of reference in the MultiWindow. For references that have verse spans (John 3:16-18), only the initial verse will be listed (John 3:16).

·    Paste Clipboard Text With Linked References           Shift+F3
Pastes the entire clipboard text with the Bible references as live links.

·    Speak/Stop Current Text                       Ctrl+F10
·    Pause/Play Audio                                   Alt+/

These function as described.

Bookmarks Menu

Up to ten verse bookmarks can be entered under this menu, Alt+1-10
Bookmarks can be changed by holding the Shift key while selecting a menu item and entering a new verse.

Modules Menu

·    Module Download Manager
This will open the Download manager for downloading Free and Premium Modules

·    Download Purchased Modules
This dialog will guide the downloading of purchased modules from the Bible Analyzer Store

·    Extract Local Module Archives
This tool is not normally used except for special purposes

·    Module Creation Tools
See Module Creation Tools

Tools Menu

·    Export User Notes To File
Will export User Notes to a file suitable for making them into a Commentary File.

·    Display Primary Modules Folder
Will open the default Modules Folder in Windows Explorer.

·    Display User Modules Folder
Will open the User Modules Folder (usually in [My] Documents) in Windows Explorer.

·    Display User Data Folder
Will open the User Data Folder in Windows Explorer (config.ini, notes.usr, etc).

·    Reset Default Settings and Restart
Will reset the default settings.

Help Menu

·    Show Help                                               F1
This open this file (help.chm) the same as the Toolbar Button.

·    Check for Update
Checks the server at for a newer version. If found, the option is given to download the setup file to the desktop.

· Forum
Opens the default browser to the Bible Analyzer users forum (

·    View Welcome Page
Opens the Welcome Page that is shown on first start.

·    About Bible Analyzer
Shows the About Dialog.